This was where we spent 16 years of our life, a bungalow kitted out for medical services, we were the youngest people in the quad of 47 bungalows, most people were retired.
This is when the illness started to truly take a tole, insomnia, not being able to walk without a stick, wheelchair, always cold, progressive arthritis, fatigue, cramps, muscle wastage and those were just the norm, her hair grew back a little bit but scalp problems meant we often had to shave it, a few of the pics are also from my Mums.
Even have a picture of her bedroom pc for when she wasn’t feeling well, her weight went from 10st to 15 to 12 to 8 to all over the place due to medication, But she was happy. we were happy. Her computer was always packed with stuff and overflowing, mine was usually utilitarian I wouldn’t even let her put a sticker on my cases usually, I would give anything now to have her put a sticker on my computer case.